One of the first lampshades I made using plastic milk cartons is the MilkShell. And today I’m happy to show you a new and bigger version, 48 cm. diameter, of that lampshade. Named ‘MilkShell2’ and again made out of leftovers from producing other upcycle lamshades.
After cutting up all these cartons I ended up with the top part, a middle part and the bottom. For this design, like the original MilkShell, I used the top part, but in such a way that you wouldn’t recognize the milk carton right away. And I hope I succeeded in doing so.
Shell shaped lampshade all about light and shadows
The MilkShell2 is a playful shape with a protective character because of the inward direction in which it points. The best thing of this lampshade is the nice shadow it shows on the walls. It’s always a big surprise how the design turns out but it is even a bigger surprise how the light and the shadow will turn out.
Photos © Gilbert de Rooij
Well, stay tuned because there are still some new ideas I’ve got for making other lampshades out of plastic milk cartons. Please take a look at the other photo’s at ‘See more photos’ and visit ‘My upcycle design‘ for more upcycle design made by me.
Photos © Gilbert de Rooij