Living the lazy life is something almost everybody wants. Especially when it’s summertime. It’s not always possible is this hectic world we live in. But sometimes there are products that help you step out of that busy world and give you a taste of what the lazy life is like. And for me one of those products is a beanbag, like the ‘LazyBeanbag‘ by Lazy Jack.
I remember that as a young boy I wanted a beanbag for my room. I was lucky because my mam offered to make me one. She thought it would be a nice project. So my mam made me a nice and simple one, but it was heaven to me. Just after coming back from school I used to sit/lay down [today chill] in my beanbag listening to records, yes the real vinyl ones. Those moments are still very vivid in my memory.
Photo © Lazy Jack[space size=5]
Photo © Lazy Jack
So here is this new beanbag, and it’s an upcycled product. This beanbag, like all products from Lazy Jack, is made of made out of discarded durable Dacron sails. Vanessa van Kempen, founder of Lazy Jack, came up with this idea. Lazy Jack was created out of passion for the properties and style of sail material, more specifically Dacron sailcloth.
Since Vanessa’s childhood she has always sailed in the Netherlands. All of the synthetic Dacron sailcloth that she had used during her many sailing trips, she always kept with great care. A few years ago, on the island of Saint Martin in the Dutch Caribbean, she started thinking of what to do with old sails. Sort of by chance she came up with this idea of making a beanbag and later on a messenger bag, a beach bag and a sailor bag.
So here you have a fantastic line of products that are beautiful, sturdy, weatherproof and best of all, upcycled!
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