Some time ago I found an object that’s made out of an object that hasn’t been featured on upcycleDZINE. In the short time that this upcycle design blog has been here we’ve seen quite a few objects being used to create fascinating upcycle design objects. And today I’m adding a new one to this list, the ‘Irony‘. It’s an ironing board turned into a chair.
According to WikipediA: ‘On 16 February 1858 W. Vandenburg and J. Harvey patented an ironing table that facilitated pressing sleeves and pant legs. A truly portable folding ironing board was first patented in Canada in 1875 by John B. Porter. The invention also included a removable press board used for sleeves.’
From ironing board into a stylish lazy chair
Irony is an upcycle design piece by donna Walker Design. “The Ironing board is predominantly seen as a feminine object associated with domestic chores. The re-design of this object playfully subverts how it is perceived. By imbedding it with a masculine aesthetic, and transforming it into a stylish lazy chair, ensures that you’ll never associate this ironing board with chores again.”
Photos © donna Walker Design
I’m someone who irons his own clothes and thereby uses an ironing board so now and then. Never thought a well known dull object like an ironing board could turn into a unique and stunning piece of upcycle design furniture.