The color for today is Yellow and it’s a new upcycle design lamp I made! No’ it’s not my favorite color, but after working on this new design called ‘ChocoBeacon‘, Yellow started growing on me. And I must say, when this lamp is throwing it’s inspiring, sunny light into the room, it’s a very friendly color.
Yellow Nesquik container comes to life
Maybe I know why it’s so friendly. After some searching on the net I came across a site that’s all about explaining colors and what they can do to us. And when I read about Chakra colors I knew I had to share this with you.
According to the site Sensational Color: “Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura. This chakra is located in the stomach area. It is linked to the stomach, liver, skin, large intestine, muscular system, and solar plexus area. The Solar Plexus Chakra is representative of vitality and will. When this chakra is open, it acts to empower a person and help them find their personal strength. It will help turn dreams and goals into reality.”
Well whatever the case may be, I’m quite happy how the upcycle design turned out. I was looking for a very straight forward and playful design. Like the ChocoDaisy, the ChocoBeacon collection is made out of upcycling those unique Nesquik chocolate powder containers. A bit of history on Wikipedia tells us: “Nesquik, formerly Nestlé Quik, is a family of milk beverage mixes made by the Nestlé corporation. It began as a chocolate powdered flavoring mix in the United States in 1948, as Nestlé Quik. In the 1950s, it was launched in Europe as Nesquik. The name was changed to the worldwide brand Nesquik in 1997.”
Photos © Gilbert de Rooij
The ChocoBeacon design also uses wood. The little wooden cube is upcycled too. It’s from one of the discarded pallets that I used for the lamp stands I made for exhibiting at the Woonbeurs last October. The ChocoBeacon comes in two sizes, Small and Large. Together with a nice colorful power cord this little joyful lamp comes to life and should do well in lots of interiors.
Compliments, you will definitely make people smile with your ChocoBeacon, what a wonderful light and story!
Hi Villa4, Thank you so much for your nice comment 🙂